
Gas naar branders
Inspection burner chamber

The main reasons for converting and renewing an existing combustion or air purification plant are obvious: energy efficiency increases, as does availability, while operating costs fall significantly.

L-Inc®'s strengths as a partner are abundantly clear in four specific areas.


Our knowledge and the realisations in which it resides have been proving services in diverse technology for burners, combustion and flue gas treatment equipment for more than two decades.


We learn continuously, adapt, follow current requirements and criteria closely, commit ourselves and show ourselves to be a committed and flexible partner for our customers.

Emission results

Our selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) solutions are designed to comply with current regulations around NOx emissions.


We design and build tailor-made solutions for combustion and flue gas treatment. Every situation is different and therefore every solution is also different.


> 20 years proven technology in burners, combustion & flue gas treatment equipment


We liscen, we adapt, we commit, we all care


Our Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) and Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) solutions are designed to comply with the NOx emission regulations.


We design & build tailor made combustion & flue gas treatment solutions

contact us so we can leverage

Our customers’ compliance with global sustainable value crea on is part of our responsibility. We deliver a tailor-made approach with quality and service in mind.